Kenai Koffee Pure 100% Kona Coffee from Hawaii
Kenai Kona Coffee
Kona Coffee, Kenai Coffee, sexy, sunset, sipping

Grown on the rich fertile slopes of Mauna Loa on the Big Island. Kenai’s Kona Coffee is handpicked and carefully selected at peak ripeness to ensure a robust rich flavor.

Whether you prefer a medium roast, medium/dark or our coveted chocolate/mac nut flavor. Kenai Coffee is 100% pure Kona coffee, a top quality choice for discerning coffee lovers world over.

Take a Hawaiian Vacation Coffee Break with Kenai’s Kona Coffee

Featured Kona Coffee Products

Meat Rubs
(made with 100% pure Kona Coffee)
available in 3 yummy flavors

Kona Coffee Meat Rubs

Farm Tour Video: Processing the Cherry

Kona Coffee Club, kenai coffee
Kenai Koffee Club

100% Pure Kona Coffee

Because you are passionate about starting your day with doggone good coffee.

Monthly auto delivery totally worth it.



Fast becoming a local legend, our tangelo’s are considered the best in all the island – and just maybe the world. just say Yum…

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